Axis TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Service Request Form

Kindly use this form to let us know if you would like us to support the building up of your HR Capacity through Recruitment & Selection, Training/Learning & Development, Organizational Development & Technical Support and Professional Development. Do visit the specific pages on our website to learn more about these services and kindly fill the form to let us know how we might work with you. Thank you, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or call us at 233 20 630 9902.


Organization's Information

Please tell us about your organization
Which of the following best describes the industry in which your organization works?(Required)
How many people work in your company?(Required)
Kindly indicate the city and region. Please Indicate the country if out of Ghana.
This information becomes very important in helping us to understand the context in which you work, and similar players in your domain.
How did you hear about Axis HCL?(Required)
Telephone Number(s)(Required)
Kindly share a number for reaching you directly. An additional number would also be useful.
Kindly share an email address for reaching you directly.