Professional Development
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We believe in managing talent wherever it may be found, from primary all the way to tertiary institutions, and in workplaces. Through our special Axis TM initiatives, we seek to challenge existing perceptions about careers and to support progressive and innovative approaches to career planning and development. Our aim is to expose people from childhood to adulthood to the world of work, introducing them to diverse career options and opportunities, presenting them with resources to enhance their career development and helping them to excel in their chosen fields, fuelled by their passion.
We also work with our organizations to identify their top talent and design strategies to develop and retain them W e facilitate several one on one interventions for students and working professionals through one on one career coaching, leadership capacity development, CV/Bio Review, Work Ethic and Productivity, Teamwork and more
- Individual career planning and coaching
- Self assessment & leadership development plans
- 360 degree assessments using Spidergap ®
- CV & Bio writing, interview skills, job search strategies etc.

Target Groups

Early career Managers

Upwardly mobile Line Managers